Sunday, January 22, 2012

Trading Myths: Food Inc.

I just pulled a beautiful batch of tempeh out of the incubator - solid and fluffy at the same time, warm with its own growth. I did nothing weird or experimental with it. I watched Food Inc. yesterday in between steps (de-hulling, soaking, cooking, etc.). I was again (I've read the books the documentary is based on) horrified by our food system of enormous corporations and their captured agencies (USDA, FDA). I was frustrated, though, by setting up Salatin and his operation as the ideal, with his methane-belching cattle, and corn- and soy-fed hogs and chickens (that grow slowly, consuming more feed than their factory-farmed and miserable counterparts, thus generating more manure, more emissions, etc.). They're just trading one myth, of progress through engineering (trust the nice men in the white coats) for a Romantic agrarian myth (trust the nice men in the overalls). I'll stick with my tempeh.

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